Comrie Primary School

Dunning Primary School
Life at Dunning Primary School

August 2023 – June 2024


At Dunning Primary School, we endorse Perth and Kinross Council’s “Statement of Intent” which sets out the broad principles determining the ethos and nature of education to be delivered across the Council area. 


Our vision is of a caring and confident school community where children enjoy their learning and have a sense of purpose. There are equal opportunities for all, and individuals are valued, nurtured and supported.  In the pursuit of excellence everyone is encouraged to develop their full potential and to aspire to achieve the highest standards. Respect for others, and for self, is the core of our ethos. 





Our aim is to develop confident and responsible children

who are well prepared for lifelong learning

and ready to take on challenges.




Dunning Primary takes forward a continuous programme of Self-Evaluation.

The School and our Quality Improvement Officer have evaluated key aspects of the work of the school at all stages. We evaluated pupils’ attainment and achievements, the effectiveness of the school, the environment for learning, the school’s process for self-evaluation and innovation, and our capacity for improvement. We examined pupils’ work, monitored classroom and school experiences and gained the views of groups of pupils, staff, members of the Parent Council, individual parents, groups of parents and visitors to the school.


The Evaluation Process has identified the following key strengths:

  • A very welcoming and inclusive ethos
  • Courteous, well-behaved and motivated pupils
  • High attainment in Numeracy and Literacy
  • The leadership and involvement of all staff, pupils, parents and the wider community in the life and work of the school


 1.3 Leadership of Change

   Very good

 2.3 Learning, Teaching & Assessment

   Very good

 3.1 Ensuring Wellbeing, Equality & Inclusion

   Very good

 3.2 Raising Attainment & Achievement

   Very good




Staff, Pupils and Parents have once again demonstrated great resilience through this year and worked extremely hard to ensure continuity and good experiences overall.



Attendance remains high at 94% and is above the average for PKC and Comparator schools. All unauthorised absences are due to family holidays. There have been 0 exclusions this session.


Attainment in Literacy

  • All pupils in P1 have achieved Early Level in Listening & Talking, Reading and Writing.
  • Almost all pupils in P4 have achieved First Level in Reading, Writing and Listening & Talking.
  • All pupils in P7 have achieved Second Level Reading and Writing and Listening & Talking.


Attainment in Numeracy

  • All pupils in P1 have achieved Early Level Numeracy.
  • Almost all pupils in P4 have achieved First Level Numeracy.
  • All pupils in P7 have achieved Second Level Numeracy.


  • 32% of our pupils across the whole school have recorded Additional Support Needs. All are making very good progress towards their individual targets and planned outcomes and almost all have achieved expected national levels of attainment in Literacy and Numeracy.


  • Attainment over time has remained consistently above the National average. The trend of attainment over time has remained at a very high level for our current P7.



The school’s 2024 ‘Gold Sports Scotland Award’, ‘Eco School Award’ and ‘Health Promoting School’ status reflect the achievements of the school in supporting pupils’ Health & Well-Being. Lots of engaging learning and achievement opportunities were evident this session, including a wide range of after-school sports clubs, offered by staff, parents and volunteers, which were well attended.

The school achieved our Rights Respecting Schools Bronze Award and we continue to integrate the UNCRC into all areas of school life.


We were delighted to achieve our Digital Schools Award Scotland this session. Many activities are shared online, and staff, pupils and parents were able to maintain connections, home learning and support parental engagement through Teams and Seesaw. Achievements were celebrated at our whole school assemblies and shared on Seesaw and Teams.


The overall quality of wellbeing, equality and inclusion is very good. Staff know the pupils well and are sensitive to their emotional, social and medical needs. Early identification and intervention have helped support our pupils with additional support needs and almost all have achieved expected national levels of attainment in Literacy and Numeracy.


There are effective Child Protection and effective Additional Support Needs procedures in place. In addition to supports in place with school staff, outside agencies have supported individuals and groups of pupils’ very well this session e.g. Inclusion Team, Community Link Worker & Assistant, Health Services, Secondary Staff and Counselling Services.



The School made very good progress towards achieving the outcomes detailed in our 2023 – 2024 School Improvement Plan (SIP) and these have had a positive effect on pupils’ experiences and outcomes. For example, overall, attainment in Literacy and Numeracy was maintained at a high level. Evidence gained through both formative and summative assessments showed that progress in Literacy and Numeracy has been very good.

The school has made good progress in working towards improvements in Writing and in Listening & Talking across the whole school. Staff have attended multiple training events and have begun to implement suggested strategies. Pupils across all stages are becoming more aware of what ‘good’ Writing and ‘good’ Listening & Talking look like and are beginning to use the strategies in order to improve. These will be more fully embedded throughout session 2024/25.


We have listened to staff, pupils and parents in the production of this Quality & Standards report whilst evaluating the quality of our provision and in identifying improvement priorities.


We all show a strong commitment to taking our identified priorities forward in a manageable and strategic manner.

The school has many strengths and is well placed to build on the existing high standards.




In session 2024/25 we will focus on:

  • Literacy – Writing and Listening & Talking
  • Profiling, Parental Engagement and Online Learning (Just2Easy)
  • Attendance



Headteacher: Mrs Danielle McPhee

General Email:

Parent Email:


Twitter: @DunningPS

Tel: 01764661350





Digital Schools Awards Scotland